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Call of Duty World at War Hileleri


İşte çok az ingilizce kaynakta bulabileceğiniz Call of Duty 5: World at War hileleri:

Oyunu oynarken ~ tuşuna basarak konsol penceresini açın. devmap mak yazıp hile kodlarını aktif hale getirin:

İşte Gireceğiniz Hile Kodları:
give all - Tüm silahları alırsınız.
devmap [harita ismi] - Haritayı değiştirir.
notarget - Görünmez olursunuz.
god - Ölümsüz olursunuz.
mapname - Harita isimlerini ekranınıza döker.
noclip - Uçarsınız.

NOT: Yukarıdaki kodlar ilk level içidir.

Yüksek Level için:

Sniper Scope: Challenge 1 Tamalar.
Bayonet: Challenge 2 Tamalar.
Rifle Grenade: Challenge 3 Tamalar.

BAR (Machine Silahlar)
Bipod: Challenge 1 Tamalar.

Browning M1919 (Machine Silah)

İptal için
Oyunda ~ basıp devmap mak yapın. sonra notarget yazın.

Double Barreled Shotgun
Reach Level 29.

DP-28 (Machine Gun)
Reach Level 13.

Extra Custom Weapon Slot 6
Reach first prestige.

Extra Custom Weapon Slot 7
Reach second prestige.

Extra Custom Weapon Slot 8
Reach fourth prestige.

Extra Custom Weapon Slot 9
Reach seventh prestige.

Extra Custom Weapon Slot 10
Reach tenth prestige.

FG 42 (Machine Gun)
Reach level 45.

Frag (Primary Grenade)
Reach level 4.

Gewehr 43 (Rifle)
Reach level 7.
Suppressor: Complete Marksman Challenge 1.
Aperture Sight: Complete Marksman Challenge 2.
Telescopic Sight: Complete Marksman Challenge 3.
Rifle Grenade: Complete marsman Challenge 4.

God Mode
Press ~ and type devmap mak. Then type god.

Kar98k (Bolt Action Rifle)
Reach level 41.

List Maps
Press ~ and type devmap mak. Then type mapname.

M1897 Trench Gun (Shotgun)
Reach level 4.
Grip: Complete Marsman Challenge 1.
Bayonet: Complete Marksman Challenge 2.

M1A1 Carbine (Rifle)
Reach Level 65.

M1 Garand (Rifle)
Reach level 17.

MG 42 (Machine Gun)
Reach level 33.

Molotov Cocktail (Primary Grenade)
Reach level 10.

Mosin-Nagnant (Bolt Action Rifle)
Reach level 21.

MP40 (Sub Machine Gun)
Reach level 10.
Suppressor: Complete Marksman Challenge 1.
Aperture Sight: Complete Marksman Challenge 2.
Dual Magazine: Complete Marksman Challenge 3.

Nambu (Pistol)
Reach level 4.

N 74 ST (Primary Grenade)
Reach level 4.

No Clipping
Press ~ and type devmap mak. Then type noclip.

Perk Slot 1
Special Grenade x3: Level 4.
Satchel Charge x2: Level 4.
M9A1 Bazooka x2: Level 4.
Bomb Squad: Level 16.
Bouncing Betty x2: Level 24.
Bandolier: Level 40.
Primary Grenade x2: Level 44.
M2 Flamethrower: Level 65.

Perk Slot 2
Stopping Power: Level 4.
Fireworks: Level 4.
Flak Jacket: Level 4.
Gas Mask: Level 4.
Juggernaut: Level 4.
Camouflauge: Level 12.
Sleight of Hand: Level 28.
Shades: Level 32.
Double Tap: Level 36.
Overkill: Level 56.

Perk Slot 3
Deep Impact: Level 4.
Extreme Conditioning: Level 4.
Steady Aim: Level 4.
Toss Back: Level 6.
Second Chance: Level 9.
Martyrdom: Level 20.
Fireproof: Level 48.
Dead Silence: Level 52.
Iron Lungs: Level 60.
Reconnaissance: Level 64.

Ppsh (Sub Machine Gun)
Reach level 41.

PTRS-41 (Bolt Action Rifle)
Reach level 57.

Signal Flair (Special Grenade)
Reach Level 4.

Smoke (Special Grenade)
Reach level 4.

Springfield (Bolt Action Rifle)
Reach level 4.
Bayonet: Complete Marksman Challenge 1.
Rifle Grenade: Complete Marksman Challenge 2.

STG-44 (Rifle)
Reach level 37.

SVT-40 (Rifle)
Reach level 4.
Flash Hider: Complete Marksman Challenge 1.
Aperture Sight: Complete Marksman Challenge 2.
Telescopic Sight: Complete Marksman Challenge 3.

Tabun Gas (Special Grenade)
Reach Level 4.

Thompson (Sub Machine Gun)
Reach Level 4.
Suppressor: Complete Marksman Challenge 1.
Aperture Sight: Complete Marksman Challenge 2.
Round Drum: Complete Marksman Challenge 3.

Tokrev TT-33 (Pistol)
Reach Level 21.

Type 99 (Machine Gun)
Reach Level 4.
Bipod: Complete Marksman Challenge 1.
Bayonet: Complete Marksman Challenge 2.

Type 100 (Sub Machine Gun)
Reach level 25.

Vehicle Perks
Water Cooler: Level 4.
Greased Bearings: Level 4.
Ordnance Training: Level 12.
Lead Foot: Level 28.
Coaxial Machine Gun: Level 40.

Walther P38 (Pistol)
Reach level 4.

Zombie Mode
Beat Campaign mode.

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